2025 LFDC Leagues

The 2025 LFDC League season kicks off the first week of March!

Weekly League Schedule:

πŸ”΅ Beal Slough League (Starts March 2)
πŸ“… Sunday | ⏰ Flex Start
πŸ‘€ Director: James Fleege
ℹ️ Weekly payouts + session points (Spring, Summer, Fall) with top 3 payouts per division.
πŸ”‘ Annual Pass holders receive $1 off league entry

πŸ”΅ Tierra League (Starts March 2)
πŸ“… Sunday/Monday | ⏰ Flex Start
πŸ‘€ Director: Bryce Keller
ℹ️ 3 divisions + an “Ace Only” division.

πŸ”΅ Roper League (Starts March 13)
πŸ“… Thursday | ⏰ Flex Start (4:30–7:30 PM)
πŸ‘€ Directors: Jeff O’Brien, Ethan Falk
ℹ️ Alternates between Roper East & Roper West.
πŸ”‘ LFDC members receive $1 off entry

πŸŒ™ Glow League (Starts March 1)
πŸ“… Saturday | ⏰ Sunset – Park Close
πŸ‘€ Director: Kenny Melpolder
ℹ️ Rotating courses | 🌟 Optional Glow League membership (bag tags & perks).

πŸ”΅ Doubles League (Starts April 1)
πŸ“… Tuesday | πŸ•  5:30 PM Check-in | ⏰ 6:00 PM Tee
πŸ‘€ Director: Jeff O’Brien, Kyle Erickson
ℹ️ Cash-only league (not part of the LFDC Club Cash system). Rotates courses weekly.
πŸ”‘ LFDC members receive $1 off entry

Check the LFDC Leagues page on our website or UDisc Events for schedules, event details, and individual league rules.

πŸ’³ LFDC Club Cash: All leagues (except Tuesday Doubles) will exclusively use the LFDC Club Cash system for sign-ups.

League entries must be paid by 9 AM the day after your league roundβ€”failure to do so will make you ineligible for that week’s payouts and for payouts from that league for the next four weeks. Learn more about Club Cash here: LFDC League Payout Breakdown

Questions? Contact the league director for specific league info or email info@lincolnflyingdiscclub.com for LFDC Club Cash inquiries.